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its not tht much EASY  to be successful on youtube

before starting youtube channel
u have keep all these things in mind

1.Channel Type

u need to find ur field in which you are best at.
many new users just start channel and end up with nothing.
they mix different types of content in same they do vlogging,teaching,gaming livestream in same channel..
it a wrong move,bcs its not necessary that ur subscriber like all the stuff tht u love to do.
know ur potential and find best field in which u have good skill.
if u hv interest in different can make seperate channel for each one.but dont mix things in same channel.ravi abhishek


ill suggest u to make atleast 7 videos before creating a channel.
bcs most of new youtubers just try to copy others,after uploading consecutively they find it hard to find any topic to make videos on.
so it will be better if u have videos in stock.u will get more time to plan on ur next video.
if u have multiple  channel.ur content on each channel will help u analyze urself and will help u to find ur best zone.its saying that dont waste ur time and energy on different thing.if u save ur ideas,energy ,creativity for one thing.u will do better in tht field.

 it plays a major role to be successful on youtube.its not necessary that u invest too much.ur audio and video quality should be that ur audience can understand the msg that u want to deliver through ur video
buy a good mic and camera
and if u just wanna do screen recording.u can do so that too.
buy a decent pc to edit ur videos.ravi abhishek
and even if u cant afford it.u can start from ur phone.
there are many software which will help u to remove noises from ur audio.
(i will make a separate video on how to do that)


before uploading a video.ask to tht video worth it. 
what was ur purpose of uploading this video?
would it deliver the msg u want to deliver to the audience? 
just dont copy others.have ur own style.dont compare urself with others.
dont make urself feel low. always keep on working.u will improve with time.
spend more time on planning about videos.makes notes before recording.
it will help u a lot.ravi abhishek

5.Patience /NO expectation
have faith on urself.keep working ..dont ever think that u will become millionaire in a gonna take time.never ever expect urself.focus more on learning and improving urself.dont waste ur time thinking about ur future.just focus on ur present work.and be creative

6.Negativity / Depression

As i said before.even u work hard,and being creative.u wont get views that much.u wont see growth sometimes.even ur friends ,family,relatives and even u doubt urself.
dont compare urself with other big youtubers.ofc many thoughts gonna come in ur mind.that they dont work that much hard and get millions of views.and u r not growing up.its ok
watch positive videos.if u have real skills,u will grow with time.focus on learning.dont focus on earning.
watch those ppl who bcm rich from those person who had change their future.
there are many youtubers who bcm big after working consecutively day and night for almost 2,3,4,5 years.and all those years they earn nothing.not even a single penny.ravi abhishek
have faith on ur positive vibes video.keep working hard.

7.Social media sharing

stop sharing ur link to ur friends ,family or relatives.before sharing to them.ask them r they interested on the videos tht u r trying to share.dont force anyone to support ur channel.even if u share it.they aint gonna support u..find ur audience.dont go to other channel asking for subs for subs.instead have a conversatition with other channel.focus on urself.sooner or later u will find ur right audience.and dont let them go..keep on improving and also link ur social media platform to ur channel.
always put ur social account link in description.and also advertise urself in ur videos by using lowerthirds.

8.Best of luck.ill always try my best to show u all right path..always be positive.keep working hard.stay safe,stay happy.. NAMASTEY

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