1.DO you need to invest money to start youtube?
No,not really,u dont need to invest money on youtube to make account and start your career here,but there are other things where you need to spend money.like buying gadgets, running ads
2.What are the important things to kept in mind to start youtube?
you need to plan things,like:-
a) what kind of youtube channel you want to create.
b)know your area of interest and what makes u better in that field.
c)Do u have original content? If not,its ok,you will develop with time
d)full time or part time - you must know that,its not easy to grow that fast,you have to prepare for it,plan for it.and its always better to have a backup plan
e) ask yourself why youtube? Your heart will give you all the answers.
f)Never copy other content,but you can inspire from them ,and use them in creative way.
g)Do you see future in it? or just u wanna do it for fun.
h)be consitent
i)Be social and engage with your community.
j) Analyze,optimize and repeat
3.how to create youtube channel ?
- Go to youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/
- Sign in to Youtube and click on the user icon at the top right corner of the screen
- Sign in to your google account if you dont have google /gmail account follow this link :-https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp
- click on the user icon present on top right corner of the screen and then click on create a channel